
Marc Boutavant- lllustration

Marc Boutavant's character design is distinctive and inventive. There must be at least 5 different components which make it appear unique;  line, colour, distinct shapes, props, composition. Marc uses line to create texture and pattern in areas of his work.  Each time I look at Marc's work I notice something different.  Marc's 'cheerful' autographic language lends itself well to children's book illustration.  Marc draws his characters in human poses and adds props to create a narrative.  He includes all these things to sustain our interest. Marc skillfully  blurs the boundaries between digital and hand-drawn illustration, so that we focus on the narrative of his work.   I need to work at creating a narrative for my characters, and placing them in context.   In terms of the methods I use,  I aim to create work that blurs the boundaries between the digital and hand-drawn aesthetic.